Between needing to pay for your airline flight to Australia, your current housing, and all of the other financial costs associated with packing up and moving to another county, it can be very easy to feel overwhelmed by the small bank account balance that you are left with. Here I am going to tell you about non-resident funding options in Australia.
Although some forms of financing might not yet be available to you in Australia as a non-resident, many options are available to meet your student, personal, and home needs as you get your new home set up in Australia. Here, I am going to answer a few of your queries. Harris Harris2020-01-08 19:12:572020-03-19 12:24:19Non-Resident Funding Options In Australia: Personal, Home or Car Loan
Whether you’ve found your dream course or you’re just looking to try something new, the next step is the application of your student visa.
While this may sound simple, there are a few things to consider when applying for a student visa. For instance, you need to choose the right health institution, provide proof of finance and other character requirements.
But don’t feel overwhelmed. With the following 10 steps, your student visa application process will be a walk in the park. Harris Harris2019-12-16 16:08:042021-01-22 11:37:3210 Steps To Nail Your Student Visa Application
For those with a temporary Australian visa, it’s important to ask the right questions and it starts here by figuring out whether or not you can start a business.
For those with a temporary Australian visa, you are not restricted when it comes to beginning a new business, however, it’s still not as easy as you want it to be.
There are certain conditions in place, which have to be honored at all times on a temporary visa.
If you don’t abide by these conditions, your temporary visa is going to come under review, which tends to happen when starting a new business.
There are times when a person loses their status as a temporary visa holder.
Let’s take a look at what it means to start a business with a temporary Australian visa. Harris Harris2019-11-28 20:30:462020-03-30 11:02:41How To Set Up A Business on a Temporary Australian Visa Harris Harris2019-11-06 20:01:202021-01-22 11:38:225 Things To Know When Moving To Canada
As you travel, learn and adjust to different cultures, you will start understanding how foreign cultures operate successfully in their own context.
You will get to know that each different culture has its own way of dealing with relationships, family and work. You will get to understand that the different approaches used by different cultures can be right.
This is especially true when it comes to money and business. Money management and financial standards are different everywhere. For example, legal traditions and market cultures are different in every country and this affects the procedures you have to follow.
In the same way, living or studying overseas will let you expand your palate and try new foods, make new friends, and expose yourself to things you never would have experienced otherwise. Harris Harris2019-10-22 17:30:222020-03-19 12:24:5310 Reasons To Live or Study Abroad
If you are willing to immigrate to Canada, the first thing you should take into consideration is the PNP (Provincial Nominee Program). It is an essential thing if you want to settle in any particular province. Although different Canadian territory and province have its own PNP requirement and you need to have a brief idea on it to assure whether you are eligible for this or now and how to apply for the same. Today, we will discuss the right time for applying PNP and how you can know your eligibility for this. Read more 22:42:562020-02-13 11:31:49Is This The Right Time To Apply In PNP With Express Entry Cut-Off Beyond 450 Marks?
As per the Citizenship and Immigration Canada, common-law pertains to two partners – of the same or the opposite sex – living together for a period of one year or more and having a conjugal relationship with one another. As per the Canadian Immigration laws, one common-law partner can sponsor the immigration of another partner. The said couple can have smaller periods of separation for being considered eligible under this rule but the periods of separation cannot be for extended periods. As per the Immigration system, the applicants need to prove – Read more
As per a study conducted in 2014 it was established that Australia and Canada are the most friendly and receptive countries for immigration. In 2018 the population of Australia was estimated to be about 25 million – of which 62% growth has been achieved in the last 10 ten years – augmented by almost 40% from a population of 18 million in the 1990s. Australia’s immigration policy has been one of the key reasons behind this substantial swell in population – the 62% growth being a landmark point that was scheduled for 2050. Read more 03:58:412019-08-06 23:16:04Why Has Australia Fallen Out of Love with Immigration?
In 2019, the management of immigration system of Canada was revolutionized with Express Entry System in place. As always, it takes time to adopt new practices. It has been found that with this new system in place, it has become easier and faster to process loads of incoming applications coming in. Many people are unaware of this latest system and there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the Express Entry Program. Here, we have tried to handle some of the biggest myths that shadows this program launched in 2019. Read more 05:06:592021-01-22 11:39:2210 Myths and Misconceptions about the Express Entry System 2019 Debunked
Canada is the world’s second largest country in the world, area-wise, Russia being the first one. In the North American continent, Canada is the largest country area-wise. In 2016, as per the census of the country, the population was about 35,121, 728 and as per 2019 estimates the population of Canada was 37.41 million. Read more 04:43:012019-07-19 04:43:01Canada to Increase Annual Immigration Admissions to 350,000 by 2021